All cancellation requests need to be sent in written mail from the same email id which was used to make a booking and have to be reconfirmed by replying to our cancellation confirmation email. Refund for cancellation may vary for the various services booked and as per our policy below:
If you cancel your booking cancellation fee will apply. A cancellation will only be effective when we receive written confirmation of the cancellation.
-Cancellation 61 days or prior to departure, all deposits will be refunded after deduction of transaction fee and services booked in advance on a non-cancellable basis;
-Between 31 and 60 days prior to departure, 75% of the total package amount will be deducted;
-30 days or less prior to departure, there will be no refund and the full package amount will be forfeited.
If you leave a trip for any reason after it has commenced, we are not obliged to make any refunds for unused services. If you fail to join a tour according to tour booking dates or join it later or change departure date no refund will be made (in case of a group booking),
Trip India Trip is enthusiastic about making a tour for their tourists a lifetime experience. Our diverse variety of Indian subcontinent special interest trips includes cultural, heritage, festival, wildlife safaris, photography, yoga, Ayurveda, adventure, ecological, and religious tours, etc. We offer tours for solo travelers as well as group travelers and we design tailor-made and fixed departures as per the choice of our travelers.